love and service

Tuesday, 5-11-2013

Readings for the day:
Romans 12: 5-16a
Psalm 131: 1, 2,3
Luke 14: 15-24


When I wake up every morning, usually i do my exercise and write on the blog later on. Was kinda all tired and lazy to do both today but a glimpse of the gospel sent an impulse to my brain(the gospel urn) on the negative impact of ‘excuses’. So, now i’m writing. Excuses cost a huge loss to the people that was invited to partake in the banquet. Hope we are not falling exactly in the same hole at the moment. Let’s take a step back and examine our lives on how excuses has forfeit us in carrying out God’s will.

We have all been endowed with gifts from above, as many as we may be in the world. Each and everyone of us is unique in our own way, no matter how little it may be(we hear this everytime ey). We may pass on everyday of our lives without appreciating the grace that abounds in us. Let’s then turn inwards and work more on that particular thing that wows us and people appreciate us for likewise manifestly God’s glory and greatness. it may not necessarily give us the cash in all instances but there’s a great deal of ‘spirit’ indebted in us to rock the world for God. We are all gifted, everyone and we must, I repeat we must use it in the building of christ’s body. Anything other than the service of God and neighbour may tend to lead to one’s detriment. Are you called to teach, then teach the best out of you. Are you skilled in defending the faith, then be an apologetic and defend the church in the current tides of our culture. Are you called to sing, shake the world with that angelic voice of yours. whatever our calling may be, let us always let love lead the way. It is the ‘sugary nectar’ that attracts people to see us and feel the presence of God in our being.

Our gifts and our response to serve is an invitation to partake in the holy banquet in the last day. So, let us not grow weary in finding excuses not to exercise it. Let us therefore remain steadfast in God’s love, pray for his continuing assistance and always determined to hang on to what’s right. We may be persecuted for what we do or misunderstood sometimes, there’s that tendency, but our heart should not grow old because of that. Heaven is our prize and nothing on earth can stop us except ourselves.

Cheers in the use of gifts for the glory of God and the betterment of our neighbour.

Pax christi

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

About Michael Ogundele

A writer, ardent reader and lover of nature. fell in love with writing five years back and I've been engraved in her arms ever since. I share my little way of writing poetry and reflections based on Catholic faith and Spirituality on this space. I hope you enjoy reading as we ride the same chariot to the leafy greens. Do follow me and together, let us jump into the ocean of my ink.
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