Blessed are the poor in spirit…

Thursday, 27-02-2014

Readings of the day:

James 5:1-6
Psalm 49:14-20
Mark 9:41-50


Blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs. -Matthew 5:3

In the first reading of today, it would seem St. James has a high contempt for the rich. His writings may be harsh to the hearing, but delving deep into the river, not just touching the skin of it, we would see that his words carry a heavy truth. He is only rephrasing the teachings of Jesus, concerning the rich who store up treasures here on earth at the deridement of their soul. Wealth is meant to serve us, not the other way round, never the other way round. For who in the name of wealth, takes his wealth out of this world– I’ve never seen any(Have you!).

I believe this can be applied to certain things as well, anyone who in the name of fame, talents, work and pleasure store up treasures on earth; it would be a big blow for the person in the passing time. Likewise, in detaching ourselves, we should be generous with total love in our heart. In the words of Mother Teresa, “if you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” One is enough to start with, who knows the extent of it. A reward sure is for a generous heart, either here on earth or in the world to come.

May God help us, as we detach ourselves from passing things and may He grant us a generous heart, we ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.

Peace and Love of Christ!

About Michael Ogundele

A writer, ardent reader and lover of nature. fell in love with writing five years back and I've been engraved in her arms ever since. I share my little way of writing poetry and reflections based on Catholic faith and Spirituality on this space. I hope you enjoy reading as we ride the same chariot to the leafy greens. Do follow me and together, let us jump into the ocean of my ink.
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