Seek to serve God constantly!





Thursday, 10-04-2014

Readings of the day:

Genesis 17:3-9

Psalm 105:4-9

John 8:51-59



“A life not lived for others is not a life.”- Blessed Mother Teresa

echoing the words of this wonderful woman in history, a life not lived for God and mankind is like a tree standing alone in the desert. For what is humanity excluding others in it? without God in the center of our existence, life does not bear true fruits in us. With God, we tend to see others in a new light, service to them though demanding we bear, for we know they carry a mark, not our mark but the mark of God on their soul. This is truly uplifting, we see God in and through them; inspiring us to give ourselves to him and to them in him.

Considering all what God can do and has done for us, who dare not serve his neighbors?

Trusting in the words of Christ and the covenant God had made with his people to always bless them, we look to him for strength to love him above all things and to see the good in others in total reverence and service.

So dearly does His Majesty love us that He will reward our love for our neighbor by increasing the love which we bear to Himself, and that in a thousand ways.St Teresa of Jesus, OCD

May God help us to love him more and to always see the good in others, we ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.


Peace and Love of Christ.






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About Michael Ogundele

A writer, ardent reader and lover of nature. fell in love with writing five years back and I've been engraved in her arms ever since. I share my little way of writing poetry and reflections based on Catholic faith and Spirituality on this space. I hope you enjoy reading as we ride the same chariot to the leafy greens. Do follow me and together, let us jump into the ocean of my ink.
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