It would all pass away


It would all pass away
Those things we hold dear
In silence, one pace at a time

A sinking ship, a wealthy house
The poor old lady
All gone, one pace at a time

The suckling child
The young teen with fine shape
All gone, one pace at a time

Beauty timeless, written in
Barren lands and running streams

The whole powers submitted
At mankind’s feet
All gone, one pace at a time

Death cannot allow us all
There would some wreakling
Of its bound
All done, one pace at a time


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About Michael Ogundele

A writer, ardent reader and lover of nature. fell in love with writing five years back and I've been engraved in her arms ever since. I share my little way of writing poetry and reflections based on Catholic faith and Spirituality on this space. I hope you enjoy reading as we ride the same chariot to the leafy greens. Do follow me and together, let us jump into the ocean of my ink.
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